Monday, June 20, 2011

Spring Fling

Sydney had the opportunity to do a mock gymnastics competition. They had routines they worked on and performed for judges (and all the people that came to watch) and got scored similarly to how they would in a real competition. Sydney was really nervous but extremely excited. A fun thing that they did to raise money was have sucker notes. You buy a sucker and attach a note to your child and they read it in front of everyone. Jordan got one for Sydney that said, "I can't believe you got two 9.5's. That's awesome." She glowed! I have to say Arlie and I were pretty nervous because we had no idea what he wrote...we were hoping it was kind! Fortunately he didn't disappoint. Sydney did great for her first competition. She remembered every routine and seemed pretty confident after the first beam routine. She loves performing even though she gets a little scared. I love how proud she looked when she was done. That look alone was worth the whole day. Every kid got a trophy and ribbons for every event. You can't go wrong with ribbons and trophies :)

Sydney and her coaches

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