Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sushi and a fishing boat

My parents were heading down to Ben and Deanna's house to watch the boys for their 15 year anniversary. They decided to bring our kids with them, so that we could have the weekend to ourselves. We finally had gotten the hitch on our van so we could use our fishing boat, so we decided to take advantage of it. When we parked our boat after the last time we put the motor leaked and there was a beautiful mix of oil and gas in our boat. We didn't feel like taking the time to clean it or we wouldn't be able to go out in we just left ( we did clean it the next day). As we were leaving to go fishing we decided sushi sounded we stopped and got some sushi to go. We headed over to the lake. Arlie backed the boat into the water...I held it while he parked. I noticed something strange..there was water squirting into the boat. Apparently, Arlie had forgotten to put the plug back in the boat and it was taking on water. Luckily there were only 3 to 4 inches of water in the boat when Arlie got there. He quickly plugged it and we jumped in.

I was careful not to touch the bottom of the boat. Arlie got the water least some of it...and I just kept my feet off the bottom of the boat so I wouldn't get oil on them :) We ate our delicious sushi and then went to find a fishing spot.

We stopped and threw in our bait...Arlie caught about 5 tiny fish before while I caught nothing.

Finally we decided to have fun with the little fish and put a fly on both of our lines. We could barely touch the water and there would be a fish on. We set Arlie's clock for 5 minutes to see how many fish we could catch in 5 was between 20-30. It was so much fun. Obviously nothing we were going to keep, but I giggled every time I caught another fish. It was the most fun time I've had fishing in awhile. We only had about an hour before it was going to be dark, but boy did we catch fish in that hour (probably all the same 10 fish over and over...but we'll never know :) )

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