Thursday, October 21, 2010

Maija's Birthday

I had to work on my birthday, but we got to celebrate the next day...on Sunday. Guess what we did after church and lunch to start out the celebration?? That's right, we found a spot to go hiking :) Yeah me! We went to Springbrook Nature Center and hiked some of the paths there. It was beautiful and turned out to be nice and hot! :) I love it hot :) I try to ignore the complaints of the heat by the kids.

I do try to distract them by giving them the camera and letting them take pictures, or by playing games like "I packed my momma's bag"...sometimes we even sing :)

After hiking, we went home and changed to even cooler clothes and headed out to the Running Aces Harnes Park. I think this race course has been in Lino Lakes for at least a couple of years, but we've never been to it before. I love doing new things and on Sundays the admission is free! Can't beat that :) They also had cool things like unique animals to show the kids and free pony rides for the kids. can't beat that. The best part of the track is the kids can walk around and they don't get in anyone's way. It takes awhile between races and the kids would've gotten pretty bored if they had to sit in their seats the whole time.
We placed two bets...lost them both and decided the best thing to do was to bet with each other without using money :) After that we figured out how the odds worked and actually got pretty good at predicting the horses that would win. It was close to 50/50 for Arlie versus my wins. It was a great experience and a cheap way to spend an enjoyable evening! All I was missing was a large hat :)

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