Thursday, February 18, 2010

Yeah me!

I've been skiing with the kids for the last 4 years. That way I can show them things and help them better. All the while, wishing I was snowboarding. Wishing for the day when I could strap on my board and watch them ski while doing what I love. My wish finally came true! On Monday (President's day) we went with some friends to Wild Mountain....AND I GOT TO SNOWBOARD! Can you tell I am/was excited? I brought my skis just in case it wouldn't work and I had to help the kids, but they did great and I got to snowboard the whole day! The weather was GREAT...although the wind a bit cold. Sydney made her very first attempt at a black diamond and just cruised down the hill! Jordan made his first attempt at a double black diamond. It was pretty much straight down (granted it was short because it's Minnesota). We were so proud!

We went in to warm up TWICE! (not every other run with sydney like we had all the other times). In fact, when she woke up and got all excited and said, "Yeah, I get to wear my new boots so I don't have to go in so much to warm up". She is a fan of ski boots that fit and so are we. We got to ski so much more!

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