Friday, February 12, 2010

Diplomatic child...or not....

Sydney was always my diplomatic child. When asked what football team she liked best, she would say I like BOTH the Packers and the Vikings. Jordan would always answer, flat out, that he liked the Vikings. No if, ands or buts! I was so happy that I had at least someone partly on my side (which is the right the way :)). We were watching the championship game and Sydney asked me if the Vikings and Packers were playing (she believes football consists of the Vikings and Packers and that's all). I told her that two other teams were playing, but the Vikings would be on later and they were playing the Saints. She thought really hard and said, "So do the different teams come from different countries?" I told her no, they represented different states. She seemed ok with that answer and asked, "So where are the Vikings from?" I smiled and said "Minnesota." She loved that answer. Then she looked a bit confused and said, "Where are the Packers from?" "Wisconsin," I answered. She gave me the most appalled look anyone could muster and said in her most grown up disgusted voice...."MOM, You mean to tell me that you cheer for a team that isn't even in Minnesota? We live in Minnesota, BLAINE Minnesota? MOM, I can't believe you would do that. Mom...MINNESOTA? Why in the world would you cheer for the Packers if they aren't even from here? I'm only going for the Vikings now. Mom, i can't believe you don't go for Minnesota." And daughter has chosen sides and again I'm all by myself cheer for those amazing Packers! ;)

1 comment:

Arlie Norwood said...
