Friday, February 12, 2010

Family Ski Day...WOOHOO

We brought the kids skiing for the first time this year! It was SOOO much fun. Sydney was doing alright by the end of last year, but I didn't know how she would do this year. I showed her a little different way of doing things and she did AMAZING!!! She was flying down the hills doing turns like crazy. By the end of the day I was going down the hill almost at a normal speed.
Jordan did great again this year. He loves to fly down the hill. There was one hill that had a bunch of jumps on it, one of which was a picnic table you go up and jump off and then there were some smaller jumps after that. I wanted to take a picture of him going off the jumps (both Sydney and Jordan love to jump). I went down the hill first. Jordan made sure to tell me to go to the very end (the small jumps). I waited down there and pretty soon Jordan comes flying down the hill. I'm sitting by the small jumps ready to take his picture and look back to see where he's at and there is Jordan, flying off the picnic table jump (at least 3 feet up). I about died. He landed and then fell...but didn't get hurt and thought he was super cool. I was bummed I was at the wrong jump and missed the picture but couldn't believe he'd be gutsy enough to take that jump.
I told Arlie that skiing this year is finally going to be a ton of fun. My back won't be incredibly sore from bending over to help the kids. We'll actually get to have FUN family ski days! I can't wait for more!

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