Friday, February 19, 2010

Busy hands

When I have time to watch TV (besides at 2 in the morning when i'm falling asleep waiting for Arlie to come to bed), I like to keep my hands busy. I enjoy feeling like I'm doing something and not just wasting time. Since I spend most of my time on the computer lately, I haven't had much time for crafts or creative things like that. I've always loved the idea of crocheting, but pretty much stink at it. I've tried my hand at it in the past. I got myself a book on how to learn the basic stitch and tried to learn. I made a scarf. I was amazed at how well I could add and take away stitches and make it look very zig zagged without even trying...sometime while counting my stitches to make sure i did the same amount every line. So...instead of practicing more (so that I can really learn how to do it and be good at it) I put it away and every now and then think about doing it. Well...I LOVE the olympics! I love to watch them every minute I can and decided that if I was going to spend that much time watching the Olympics, that I wanted to be doing I picked up my hook. Funny thing is...I haven't improved much (weird isn't it? ;)), but this time I've been looking at it as I'm practicing and not like I'm trying to "make" something that turns out really cute!!! I made a "scarf"...but it wasn't long enough, so i crochets the ends together and made a neck warmer for skiing instead. One end is only about an inch and a half longer than the other. Not terrible for my first time back "practicing". Then I tried my hand at a gray scarf this time not as wide and longer so that you could actually wear it. I think the ends were less then 1/2 inch difference....getting better ;). My very favorite thing that I've seen crocheted is hats. I love knit hats. So, me being the "experienced" crocheter (after all I've done 3 whole things now...none of which have lined up...but it's ok...i'm practicing ;) ) I decided I'd make up a way to crochet a hat. I have to say, it was a lot of fun. I had a design in my head, had no idea how to do it...just tried something and for being as inexperienced as I didn't turn out so bad!!! I could really enjoy doing hats! I have to say, I am enjoying it so much more now that I took the pressure off of me and no longer have to have a perfect piece!


amanda said...

I love it! I'm totally madly in love with gray these days, and it's beautiful! Nice work. :)
I find creating things with my hands very therapeutic too(and love handmade things) ..been thinking about picking up knitting again, it's been ages & ages. Can't hurt to try, though!

Maija N said...

Amanda, Thanks! It was very fun...I was surprised i actually got it to look like a hat! I'm sure you'd have no probably picking up knitting again (in all your "spare" time :))