Friday, November 7, 2008

The long morning

Have you ever had that morning, where you are hoping everything goes smooth...but it just doesn't work like that? Typically one week a month my nephew stays with us and I watch him while my sister-in-law works. It was two weeks ago and Bjorn was staying with us. He had been waking up at about 5:30/6:00 and crying for awhile and then going back to sleep. On this morning both Jordan and Sydney had school. I had to get them ready, dressed, lunches made, breakfast made and ready for them to eat before we leave. Because Bjorn had been waking up during the night, I waiting until the last possible moment to wake him up (so the poor child could get good sleep.) I went in his room and notice that his leg was bare....that's strange, I thought, he must have taken off his PJ's. As I was rubbing his leg the blanket that was covering the middle of him, moved an dI noticed a bare bottom. OH goodness, I thought. I raced downstairs to get a diaper so as soon as I got him up I could put a diaper on him. I went back upstairs and turned on the light. Bjorn was sitting up and pointed and said, "poopy". Yes..yes there was a nice couple of logs of poop as well as it dried on to his legs, arms, hands, hair...etc. Oh yes, it was on his blanket, pillows, stuffed animals, sippy cup...of course his sheet. It looked as though he had probably peed a couple of times as his pillow (that he was laying on) was wet as well as most everything else in his crib. Now remember, I had waited until the last possible minute to get him up. So I grabbed him, knowing I wouldn't have time for a real bath, threw him in the sink and sponged him off super good, washing his hair and everything; got him dressed and started him eating...then got to have the joy of cleaning it all up. I just had to laugh...that what I get for waiting to wake him up. Lucky for you all....I always take pictures. Here is just half the bed ;)

1 comment:

Allison said...

As soon as I saw where this post was going, I hoped for pictures. Thanks for not disappointing me! (I'm sorry about all the clean-up.)