Monday, July 13, 2009

Cute Sydney Stories

Today on the way to Sydney's dance class, I told her that we needed to decide if she wanted to take Tae Kwon Do in the fall or stay in dance. I told her we couldn't do it all, so she needed to pick. She said, "Mom, I think i'll have to have a day just to clear my head and think and not get distracted by playing with Kielea (our neighbor girl). So someday if Kielea comes over to play, you need to say, Sydney you can't play. You need to use this day to think of if you want to be in dance or Tae Kwon Do."

On the way home from dance she was really sad because I thought there were four sessions left, but there was only three. Sydney said, "Mom, can you help me get my mind off of thinking about only 2 sessions left?"

Yesterday we were going through her cook book and looking at cakes that she would like for her birthday. She had quite a list going. I said, "I think we need to narrow down the list." She gets a huge smile on her face and jumps off the couch so excited, "Yes, let's narrow it down. What's narrow it down mean?" I told her and she got really sad and said, "Oh i thought it meant to write it down. I don't want to do that." ;)

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