Friday, July 10, 2009

Arlie's birthday

We had planned on going to Valley Fair on Arlie's birthday, but it looked like and was predicted to be raining. We revised our plans. We went out to Famous Dave's for lunch. Then went to the movie "UP" and then played laser tag with the kids ;) I am sad to say... the boys beat the girls. However, it was Sydney's first laser tag experience, so after she's practiced up, we'll have a rematch and I'm sure do so much better! It was a great family day and a day to appreciate the man we love and admire so much! Arlie is such an amazing dad and husband. We have been blessed beyond measure. He has such amazing character, such a sweet spirit about him, he is kind and loving and an example to everyone around him! I'm so proud of him and even prouder to be married to him! God's blessed our family so much and one of the hugest blessings is Arlie!

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