Thursday, October 21, 2010

Paddleboat ride

Arlie's bosses daughter graduated from high school. She is this amazingly smart lady. She had all over $47000 of scholarships that she was awarded. She is incredibly motivated and will change the world...somehow I'm sure. For the open house they invited people to join them on a paddle boat ride. Our family was invited. We thought the kids would love it so we accepted. It wasn't until later did we realize it was while the kids were going to be gone. We went anyway.... Arlie knew a few people from work, so we spent most of the time chatting with them. Finding out people's stories is so interesting. One of Arlie's old co-workers had preemie babies (but 20 years ago when it was much scarier). So we talked about having preemies and dealing with that. Unfortuately, they had one that didn't make it... We were once again reminded just how blessed we are. Another of the co-workers wife's was an illustrator and drew amazing images for a living. Talk about cool :) About half way through our ride, it decided to downpour. It was then that we realized the advantage of going to an open house NOT on a boat. If you want to leave you can :) We all went inside and talked until the ride ended. It reminded me how much I do enjoy meeting new people and hearing about their lives.

Arlie's boss is the one on the left in this picture. The other two gentlemen are old co-workers from Thrivent.

Like the beautiful storm clouds behind us??

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