Saturday, April 2, 2011

February...playing in the snow

Our winter this year was so full of snow. Arlie built a huge pile in the backyard in hopes to hallow it out to make an stayed a pile of snow. However, it was not a waste. The kids used it to get an advantage in snowball fights and play "king of the mountain". Well, to be fair, for Jordan to push Sydney off ;) Although we didn't do our typical winter activities such as skiing and skating this year we did enjoy the snow in more practical ways. You know, shoveling, throwing snowballs, attempts at forts (but never when the snow was perfect for it), sledding, and of course eating it, although told Arlie it's not good for him to eat it. (Alright, you caught me, the kids adore eating snow NOT Arlie. Despite our attempts to change this habit we catch them all the time munching on the cold stuff). The dogs loved chasing the snowballs we throw. They never could quite figure out why they couldn't find them when they landed. Rio got good at catching them in hit mouth if we threw them in the air. Pete just chased Rio. My only wish for winter, that it only lasted 3 months! :)

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