That's right...eight. I'm not sure how it happened or where all the time went, all I know is I'm too young to have an eight year old :) October 1st he turned eight. On the kids birthdays if they want to stay home from school (just the birthday kid) we let them. Arlie takes the day off of work and we just spend time with them doing whatever they'd like (within reason :) ). Jordan, after checking to make sure he could celebrate his birthday with his class a different day, decided to stay home with us. He woke up that morning to his room full of balloons hanging from the ceiling (a tradition we started several years ago; decorating their rooms while they are sleeping so when they wake up they feel like it's their birthday from the second their eyes open). We dropped Sydney off at school and after some time with at home with just Arlie and I, he decided we would go to Brunswick zone to play in the arcade. NO ONE is there during the day. We had the arcade pretty much to ourselves. Two other people came toward the end, but other than that...we had free reign. We played a ton of games. He earned lots of tickets which he can turn in for prizes. The store to redeem the prizes didn't open normally until 4pm (we needed to go back to pick up Sydney by 3:45), but the lady who opens it was there early and opened it just for him. He was just about 13 tickets shy of 500 and had about $1.00 left on his card. She asked him if she could show him a game that would put him over 500 that way he could get a great prize. Of course he didn't pass that up. She brought him over to a game and proceeded to show him how to play, giving him tokens upon tokens, which ended up probably being about $10.00 worth of tokens. He ended up with 965 tickets. He was so excited. After that we went to the half-priced book store where we found a transformer dvd. We picked up Sydney and went home and had popcorn and watched the transformers. Then we went to Space Aliens (not my favorite food that's for sure) for supper and off to small group for ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. Jordan said he had a great day. We sure had a ton of fun spending time with him. We're very blessed with such a wonderful "not so little anymore" boy!

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