Friday, March 27, 2009

Party Girl

Sydney loves throwing parties. If I let her, she'd throw one every day! She loves throwing them for her friends. Wednesday, she wanted to throw one for her brother as a surprise. Now, when she does a party, she wants to decorate, have plates, cups (party ones of course, not just the ones we have in our cupboards), napkins, party bags with prizes, cake, food (she typically has a huge menu) and games. It tends to be a big deal. Typically, I try and curb the extravagance of it. I decided she could throw Jordan a party if she wanted, but she could only use stuff we had already and we weren't doing a big menu. We could make a cake and have ice cream, but that was all. She thought it was still a great idea. We didn't have party hats, but we had four extra cups, so she put string through the cups to use as party hats. We didn't have streamers, so she cut up paper to use. We didn't have decorations so she taped up his old birthday cards for decoration. We baked a cake and left half of it unfrosted because Jordan doesn't like frosting. She did a great job and had fun doing it. Jordan loved it!

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